ОФФТОП |Теорвер: Мальчик или девочка, решение

Теорвер: Мальчик или девочка, решениеI have to warn a reader that everything written below will most likely be regarded as an “off-topic” in the eyes of Mr. Martynov. So, my proposition to a serious reader is not to read the rest of this post and carry on to a different blog, as the former will most certainly be regarded by Mr. Martynov as having nothing to do with “making money in the markets”, so to speak. Also, I shall apologize to Mr. Martynov for the audacity with which I am writing this very post knowingly breaking the rules of Smart-Lab. Perhaps, he may be less obliged to punish me with a new ban in this case, considering that the aforementioned audacity of mine is nothing but forced by the circumstances and my responsibility to my readers: for I have to bring to a logical conclusion the series of posts I have started earlier.

In case you were wondering, why this post is in English, let me explain myself. I am not in a search of auditorium of uneducated readers anyways, so for the fun of it, why not turn reading my stuff into a little exercise for your brain and a practice in foreign language for a change? I hope you will enjoy. And, in case you have a difficulty, here is a useful link to your service: translate.google.com. Modern life is more like a series of intellectual challenges after all. This makes it so much fun, don’t you agree? :)

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